Do you have frequent miscommunications? Do you keep feeling unaccepted by others? Do you believe you don't deserve success? Are you acting immaturely when you know better? You may have inner child heart-wall layers-- a shield of emotions you put around your heart to protect it from 'breaking.' I will find and release the trapped emotions in heart-wall layers that are filtering the incoming and outgoing love in your life.
I am a Certified Emotion and Body Code Practitioner. I use energy healing to help people get rid of subconscious imbalances that block them from greater connection and success. With your permission, I can access your subconscious using muscle testing to find the imbalances and release them. Then I will send you a detailed report.
Example report:
Inner child heart-wall layer from age 3 formed with the following emotions: fear, terror, dread, cleared layer.
Heart-wall layer from age 27: abandonment, nervousness, grief, layer cleared.
Heart-wall layer from age 1: confusion, conflict, anger, layer cleared.
Try out a $10 or $25 gig to see if I am the right fit for you. Try the full removal package to jump start your relationships.